May 12, 2022

Carmeuse Dundas donates to local school fundraising efforts for Information Technology

Carmeuse Dundas donates to local school fundraising efforts for Information Technology

Access to high-quality resources support good-quality learning. This can be as simple as access to modern textbooks or adequate stationary supplies. But other items pose a bigger challenge. Up-to-date Information Technology facilities are a significant expense, and yet IT skills have never been more important for preparing students for the workplace. 

In recognition of this, Simcoe Composite School in Simcoe, Ontario, aims to upgrade its current computer lab with state-of-the-art computer technology that will better support its educational programs. It’s a significant investment, and one the school board does not have the budget for. Not to be deterred, however, the school is aiming to raise the funds itself. 

As a company, Carmeuse recognizes the importance of education, and regularly supports organizations that offer underprivileged children improved access to learning and training opportunities. In line with this philosophy, the Carmeuse Dundas Operation, located in nearby Ingersoll, Ontario, was pleased to be able to donate $250.00 to the school’s fundraising efforts.

“We were excited to hear about the school’s fundraising campaign,” said Sylvia Alvarez of Carmeuse Dundas. “It aligns well with our company initiatives, and we were pleased to able to reach out to the school and offer our financial support.” 

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