May 6, 2022

Carmeuse Port Inland employees make lifegiving donations

Carmeuse Port Inland employees make lifegiving donations

Blood donations are often associated with trauma treatment in the ER. In fact, they are critical for treating a wide range of conditions. From the treatment of cancer and inherited blood disorders to surgical procedures, and more. The need for blood donations is critical and continuous. 

Doing its part for blood supplies, the Carmeuse Port Inland Operation recently held a blood drive in support of local healthcare providers in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The drive saw a total of 17 people donate 15 units of blood. Each single donation can help save up to three lives.

"This was the first time that we have held this type of event here at the plant and we were pleased with the outcome. I plan to make this an annual event in hopes that the number of donors continues to grow," said Port Inland’s Shena Meffler.

Donations supported the UP Regional Blood Center, which provides blood products to 13 hospitals across the Upper Peninsula. Donors included both employees and employee spouses. 


Pictured in the opening link is Scott Malloy of Port Inland.

Pictured on this page are Lisa Braun—top left, Tim Baker—bottom left, and Shena Meefer—right, all of Port Inland.

Port Inland Blood Drive-LV-2