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Your Benefits
Your Benefits
- Perfect product for disease prevention
- Fundamental soil improvement
- Disappearance of excess moss/water
- Naturally healthier trees
- Easy to spread
- High added value product
- Brand awareness
- Supply chain solution
- Fast & excellent results
- Problem solving solution
- Brand awareness
Advantages of TerraCalco® Garden
Advantages of TerraCalco® Garden
- TerraCalco® Garden supplies calcium to the plant, is effective against aphids and prevents ants from picking aphid eggs from the tree trunk, thus preventing the spread of disease.
- Indirectly reduces the use of insecticides. By covering tree trunks with TerraCalco Garden, you combat lichen infestations on branches.
- TerraCalco® Garden can be used in 2 ways: by direct spreading or by mixing with water to create a liquid mixture.
- Optimal solution for soil structure improvement, which makes the soil loose, easy to work, ideal for vegetable roots, increases soil porosity (water and air in the soil).
TerraCalco® Garden can be used in 4 applications:
- Lawn
- moss that invades and takes the place of grass,
- excess moisture.
- Trees
- lichens attacks on branches,
- cracks in the tree trunk (ideal home for predators and diseases).
- Vegetable garden
- compact soil structure and problematic soil physical properties, blockage of major soil nutrients, loss of flora and fauna in the soil, damaged soil due to chemical fertilizers.
- Green house
- heat waves in summer that damage plants.
How to apply the product?
- For moss control, 50-100 g/m2 of powder should be sprayed on wet soil. Apply irrigation after use.
- For soil application, it is recommended to spread 2 kg/10 m2 of powder evenly using a cultivator, trowel, or rake.
How to use TerraCalco® Garden?
- Mix 2 kg of the product with 4 liters of water and apply to the trunk of the trees with a brush or sprayer. It is recommended for the prevention and control of fungal, viral, and bacterial infections.
- Apply directly as a powder, 50 –100 g/m2 directly to the moss. Water after application.
- Apply 2 kg/10 m2 to the soil and incorporate in the next vegetable garden.
How can I store TerraCalco® Garden?
You can store it in the original bucket.